Remember When - Garland Goodwin

My life with airplanes

I started learnng to fly airplanes with Oscar Meyer at Hendersonville, flying an Aeronca 7AC “Champion” solo before ...

Ask Aunty Pam - Pam Stone

Worried sick ahead of wedding night

Dear Aunty Pam,   I am a 48-year-old woman about to walk down the aisle for the first ...

Shelf Life - Jen Pace Dickenson

Celebrating Día (Children’s Day/Book Day)

El día de los niños/El día de los libros (Children’s Day/Book Day), commonly known as Día, is a ...

Film Talk with Tryon Theatre

“Ordinary Angels” brings charm, emotion

This week at the Tryon Theatre, we have Ordinary Angels, a sweet, if not saccharine, film that will ...

Healthcare Umbrella- Michelle Fortune

Preventative screenings and the future of cancer treatment

High-risk cancer screenings are an essential component of preventive medicine. Healthcare professionals recommend these screenings for individuals who ...

On the Wild Side - Loti Woods

Nature’s Tiny Marvels: The Enchanting World of Hummingbirds

One of spring’s greatest joyful moments is the arrival of our hummingbirds. Our ruby-throated hummingbirds, the main species ...

Life on the farm- Larry McDermott

Farmers, residents organize at Polk-Rutherford line to stop giant homebuilder

*this article has been updated to clarify ordinances in Polk County Enchanted Homes of Spartanburg, S.C., wants to ...

Saluda News & Notations - Bonnie J. Bardos

One more trip around the sun

“There are many tired gardeners, but I’ve seldom met old gardeners. I know many elderly gardeners, but the ...

Special Cases - Leonard Rizzo

Taking a breather

It’s been a while since we last spoke. There are two reasons for this.  First, I’ve been battling ...

I'm Just Saying - Pam Stone

A moment of breathtaking gratitude

There are moments in our lives that Dr. Jim Finley, clinical psychologist and author of The Contemplative Heart, ...

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