Latest Opinion

Growing Pains - M.M. Cochran

Chasing deadlines, writing history

I remember the first day I walked into the Tryon Daily Bulletin building. August, 2018. Resume in hand, ...

I'm Just Saying - Pam Stone

I’m going to build myself a ‘growlery’

One of the great joys of rereading Charles Dickens is to rediscover all the words and phrases he ...

On the Wild Side - Loti Woods

Bobcats: Exploring the mysterious role of these wild cats

Have you ever spotted a wild cat in our Western North Carolina forests? If you’re lucky, you might ...

Tales of the Hunts

Walking versus hiking

It is important to designate the difference between a hike and a walk. A hike should be on ...

Film Talk with Tryon Theatre

Rewarding emotional vulnerability with “Tuesday”

This week at The Tryon Theatre, “Tuesday,” a powerful and artistic film, will likely move you to tears ...

Ask Aunty Pam - Pam Stone

One good prank deserves another!

Dear Aunty Pam,   My husband is driving me crazy. He’s addicted to the prank videos on Instagram ...

Saluda News & Notations - Bonnie J. Bardos

Echoes of simpler times

“The most important thing in all human relationships is conversation, but people don’t talk anymore; they don’t sit ...

Yards to Paradise- Max Phelps

Dinner from your landscape

Only a couple of generations ago, mealtime was often preceded by a few steps behind the house or ...

I'm Just Saying - Pam Stone

The scents of farm life

Some of the things I enjoy about living on a farm are the continuous experiences and lessons gleaned ...

Letters to the Editor

The logic escapes me 

Why would a religious organization in the county spend money on a project to provide help with food ...

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