Latest Diet & Exercise - Dave Crocker

Diet & Exercise - Dave Crocker

The rundown on lean fish

As we wrap up our series on “food from the sea,” our topic today is lean fish. Of ...

Diet & Exercise - Dave Crocker

Crustaceans and their health benefits 

Let’s continue our series on food from the sea, with the second classification of shellfish, the crustacean.  Crustaceans ...

Diet & Exercise - Dave Crocker

Fun facts about mollusks

Last week, we learned of the wonders of kelp. This week’s “food from the sea” is shellfish, and ...

Diet & Exercise - Dave Crocker

Adding kelp to your diet has many benefits

Today, I’d like to talk about food products that are derived from life in the sea.  Of the ...

Diet & Exercise - Dave Crocker

From pilgrims’ apples to space potatoes

Mark Twain penned, “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it’s because fiction is obligated to stick to possibilities; ...

Diet & Exercise - Dave Crocker

Pears pack a powerful, nutritious punch

Last week, we learned some of the wonders of cantaloupe. This week, let’s turn our attention to another ...

Diet & Exercise - Dave Crocker

Add cantaloupe to your diet

Well, summer is in full swing, with so many delectable fruits and vegetables available. This week, I’d like ...

Diet & Exercise - Dave Crocker

The glue that holds the body together

This week, I’d like to elaborate on a subject briefly touched on in last week’s column. Sometimes referred ...

Diet & Exercise - Dave Crocker

More benefits of bone broth

Last week we learned a few of the valuable culinary uses for bone broth, but did you know ...

Diet & Exercise - Dave Crocker

Benefits of Bone Broth

Today’s subject might seem to some, an unusual superfood, but let us explore the virtues of bone broth. ...

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