Harmon Field entrances, parking areas to undergo repaving

Published 12:45 pm Tuesday, October 24, 2023

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Project part of joint effort between local governments, Tryon Arts and Crafts School


TRYON—Harmon Field is set to undergo a major repaving project that will transform its entrances, parking areas and pedestrian walkways. The project, which will begin on November 13 and last for several days, will be a joint effort between Polk County, the Town of Tryon and the Tryon Arts & Crafts School. 

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Town Manager Jim Fatland was able to negotiate a cost-sharing agreement with the county for the project. The Town of Tryon will pay $68,650, Polk County will pay $68,650 and TACS will pay for their section. Darrell Price Paving of Mill Spring will be doing the work. 

“I’ve seen the growth and changes in Harmon Field compared to my last term 15 years ago,” says Jim Fatland. “We had received a lot of complaints about the potholes, and we’d been working with the county board on the present cost-sharing solution. We’re excited to see this kind of investment in an area for our community to enjoy.”

Harmon Field entrances, the rear parking lot behind TACS and the pedestrian areas on TACS’ west campus, where events like the Westside Mixers are held, will be repaved as part of the project. TACS owns part of the rear parking lot, while the town owns the rest, so the project is truly a combined effort. 

“The repaving is expected to be a game-changer for TACS,” says TACS Director Will Barclift. “Despite the best efforts to improve the curb appeal of TACS and Harmon Field, the poor quality of the paved areas has put a damper on the aesthetics. The repaving will be the red carpet that visitors deserve, making the campus more attractive and safer for pedestrians and vehicles alike. 

The next phase of TACS’ repaving initiative will be to apply decorative asphalt on select areas of the property. Pattern Paving Products of Fort Mill, S.C., has donated up to 4,000 square feet of UV-stable epoxy-modified acrylic coating, allowing TACS to turn regular pathways into an interactive art appreciation exercise stretched across the campus.TACS expressed gratitude to the Polk County Community Foundation for providing a Mary F. Kessler grant to repave their property’s parking and pedestrian areas.

“TACS sees the grant as a gift to all the public who come to TACS and Harmon Field to enjoy the outdoors,” says Barclift. “The repaving project at Harmon Field is a significant step forward in the campus beautification efforts that TACS and the Town of Tryon have been working on.”

The Town of Tryon and the Harmon Field Board of Supervisors have recently announced the renovation of the open-air gym room, tree plantings at the dog park, new playground mulch, new mulching for trees and fitness facilities and new signage at the Harmon Field entrances.