Remember When: With spring comes the catkins

Published 8:00 am Friday, May 4, 2018

When our thermometer yo-yo finally produced the beautiful flowering azaleas and dogwoods of spring, we also got a dowsing of tree pollen and their catkins.

While forwarding photos of our deep red azaleas, I was also brushing pollen out of the bird bath daily when I added fresh water to it.

Now it is covered in catkins from our many oak trees. I understand that the male catkins produce the pollen, which the wind distributes to the female catkins, which then make the acorns which will carpet our yard this fall.

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The pollen is copious and the acorns so plentiful that our squirrels are well fed as they scamper about and nest in the oaks.

I identify with 5-year-old Julia Hasley, whose understanding is beyond her tender years, as chronicled in a recent Bulletin article.

My father bought a big library-size dictionary and a set of Encyclopedia Britannicas for me when I was born. I was looking things up in my “big books” well before I started to school.

One of my engineer colleagues had a son who was reading his older brother’s school books when he was 3 years old. They could not believe it, so they gave him a book he had never seen; he read that without hesitation.

I don’t know about Julia’s parents, but neither my mother nor my friend set out to make “wunderkinds” of their children. My mother just answered my questions.

We moved away so I did not hear more about my friend’s gifted boy, but as a young trouble-maker, I was put in the second grade shortly after starting to school. Then I aced the “standard tests” given to us in the fourth grade, and consequently was double promoted to the sixth grade.

Yes, I was valedictorian of my High School class and scored 99th percentile on the tests the Air Force gave us. All of this indicates only that I was proficient at “book larnin’” and test taking.

I used to wonder why, if I was supposed to be so smart, I continually did so many stupid things! My real education came slowly.

Years of reading Ann Landers helped me understand something of human relationships . . . mainly that everyone’s life has some soap opera!

To improve my vocabulary, I started working the cross-word puzzles in the Waco paper  — about the only thing I remember learning is that an “elater” is a click beetle. The problem with having a large vocabulary is that most people will not understand you!

My Dad’s cousin Bruce once commented that he did not like people who talked over other people’s heads — at 6 feet 5 inches, my brother Bill promptly observed that he was always doing that.

Little Julia will doubtless do very well in her private school, and I did well in the one-size-fits-all public schools: I studied hard in order to make good grades so as to qualify for college, since I wanted to be either an architect or an aeronautical engineer.

I later learned that the really smart kids did not have to study hard — in college, we all knew who the smart kids were!

Several of my friends are or have been public school teachers — very good ones, too. I believe they are truly educating their charges, helping one and all to become good citizens. After all, is that not the real reason we have public schools?