Sweet stop on the weekend farm tour

Published 10:00 pm Monday, June 27, 2016

Honey production and honeybees are fascinating subjects for children and adults. Saturday’s PolkFresh Farm Tour included Holbert Honey’s retail outlet on Ozone Drive in Saluda. Here, Ansley Roberts, right, an AmeriCorps worker at the Polk County Office of Agricultural Development, and a volunteer at Holbert’s on the farm tour, uses a model hive to explain honey production to Louisa, left, and Ariana Wood of Saluda. This year’s tour featured farms and vineyards in the Saluda, Columbus/Green Creek and Tryon areas. (Photos by Mark Schmerling)

Honey production and honeybees are fascinating subjects for children and adults. Saturday’s PolkFresh Farm Tour included Holbert Honey’s retail outlet on Ozone Drive in Saluda. Here, Ansley Roberts, right, an AmeriCorps worker at the Polk County Office of Agricultural Development, and a volunteer at Holbert’s on the farm tour, uses a model hive to explain honey production to Louisa, left, and Ariana Wood of Saluda. This year’s tour featured farms and vineyards in the Saluda, Columbus/Green Creek and Tryon areas. (Photos by Mark Schmerling)
