Equine studies classes starting at Isothermal Polk Center

Published 10:45 pm Thursday, February 13, 2014

Isothermal Community College will kick off its new series of Equine Studies classes in several weeks with three great classes at the college’s Polk Center.

The new classes feature topics in “Equine Health and Emergency Management,” “Introduction to Equine Dentistry” and “An Inside Look at a Farrier Jam Session.”

The initial classes are non-credit, continuing education classes with plans to add equine business technology courses to the college’s business sciences curriculum later this year including equine science, equine nutrition, small business management and principals of marketing.

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“We are very excited to bring these learning opportunities in the equine sciences to our community,” said Kate Barkschat, director of Isothermal’s Polk Center in Columbus.

To register, call the Isothermal Polk Center at 828-894-3092 or email Barkschat at kbarkschat@isothermal.edu. Please register soon as space is limited.

Equine Health and Emergency Management

Instructor: Thann Boyum, DVM

Tuesdays: March 11-25, 1 – 4 p.m.

This class covers basic equine health management including feed selection, immunizations, housing considerations and general horse care. Emergency care and treatment until the veterinarian arrives will be discussed.

The hands-on sessions will teach general assessment of the equine patient, treatment techniques for oral and injectable medications, how to apply a foot bandage, and other helpful information for the horse owner. This class will meet in two three-hour classroom sessions plus one three-hour hands on session at an off-campus location.

Introduction to Equine Dentistry

Instructor: Rachel Butterworth, DVM

Friday: March 28, 1 – 4 p.m.

This course is designed to introduce and educate the horse owner to equine dentistry.

Students will learn about the basic anatomy of the equine skull and dental arcade, the eruption pattern and nomenclature of the teeth and the physiological effect of the teeth on mastication (chewing) as well as riding.

There will be additional emphasis on the importance of the dentistry in the geriatric horse.  Students will also be introduced to the basic dental equipment and be shown exactly how a trained veterinarian uses the equipment to float or alter the teeth to improve eating and comfort in the bridle.

This course is not intended to teach the student how to perform equine dentistry, as this can only be done in North Carolina by a licensed veterinarian.

An Inside Look at a Farrier Jam Session

Seminar Facilitator: Bibi Freer, DVM and local farriers

Saturday, April 5, 1- 4 p.m.

Location: Freer Equine

Have you heard of the Farrier Jam Sessions?

We have a unique opportunity here in Polk County for farriers and veterinarians to meet every month and examine, discuss and treat equine podiatry cases from our clients in the horse community.

These meetings are the product of much time, effort and brainstorming by Bibi Freer and several local farriers. The group also hosts one or two educational seminars every year with nationally and internationally known farriers.  Each monthly meeting allows two cases to be referred to the group by their farriers.

The horse owner pays a nominal fee for the exam, radiographs of the feet before and after shoeing, and the shoeing and its associated costs. Discussions can be lively.

Because of limited space at Freer Equine facilities, attendance at the regular farrier jam sessions is limited to farriers, equine veterinarians, and the horse owners who bring their horses for evaluation and shoeing.

This Saturday session will allow horse owners and enthusiasts to come to a farrier jam session and see what farriers do.

Organizers will present a case to discuss, radiograph and shoe with several local farriers and Freer will give a presentation on the Equine Foot: Form and Function.

– article submitted
by Mike Gavin