Rev. Ernie Millis on “A Copernican Revolution of the Spiritual Kind”

Rev. Ernie Millis will be the guest speaker at Sunday’s Unitarian Universalist service.

Rev. Ernie Millis will be the guest speaker at Sunday’s Unitarian Universalist service.

At this Sunday’s service, the Tryon Unitarian Universalist Fellowship welcomes Rev. Ernie Millis’ return as a guest speaker. In the service Rev. Mills will explore the radical and revolutionary nature of the Unitarian Universalists First Principle, “the inherent worth and dignity of every person.”


He will set this principle within the context of the dogma of Original Sin, which has dominated Western thought since its inception in the theology of the Apostle Paul, and its subsequent development throughout church history. The doctrine of Original Sin culminated in what Rev. Mills considers the most damaging and destructive view of human nature in the history of humankind. No other religious belief has done as much damage to the human soul. Our First Principle counters this dogma and offers an entirely different and radical view of who we are and what lies at our core. It is no less radical than the Copernican revolution.


Rev. Mills is an accomplished musician and will provide most of the music for the service.


Rev. Mills completed a BA in philosophy from the University of North Carolina at Asheville, a Master of Religious Education from Duke Divinity School, and a Master of Divinity from the Candler School of Theology at Emory University.


Leaving his long-time affiliation with United Methodism was, as Mills has said, one of the most difficult decisions of his life. But in 2002 he resigned his position at Brevard College and became part-time minister to the small congregation of Unitarian Universalists who are now known as the Unitarian Universalist of Transylvania County.


He asserts, “The UUs I have met are dedicated, eager to grow and learn, and are always ready for a new experience. They all have worked very hard to get where we are today and have exciting prospects for their future.”


Ernie credits his family — wife Diane, and daughters Sarah, Joanne, and Libby — for keeping him grounded and helping him to formulate sermon ideas.


His strong interest in depth psychology and his love of folk guitar and mountain storytelling enhance his theology and has brought an added dimension to his ministry.


The Thermal Belt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship meets at 10:30 a.m. on the first and third Sundays of the month. Services are held at 835 N. Trade St. in Tryon. The Fellowship welcomes all regardless of their spiritual path, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.  Coffee, snacks and fellowship are available after the service. For more information about the fellowship, call 828-513-0570 or follow them on Facebook at TBUUF.

– Submitted by Phil Nungesser



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