I'm Just Saying - Pam Stone

It’s not always good to be king

Well, of course, I watched the Coronation of King Charles III. Recorded the night before, and at our ...

I'm Just Saying - Pam Stone

Pros and cons of artificial intelligence

It seems everywhere I look these days I am seeing articles about the potential, and palpable fear, of ...

I'm Just Saying - Pam Stone

Dining in England ain’t what it used to be

If there’s one thing that unites us—or divides us—on a global level, it’s food. Personally, for me, embracing ...

I'm Just Saying - Pam Stone

Horse scouting in the UK

Paul says I’m the only one who can go on vacation and lose weight.   There is truth ...

I'm Just Saying - Pam Stone

“A Sight for Sore Eyes”

It had been a mild, if slightly cloudy day, when I headed out to drive my Mobile Meals ...

I'm Just Saying - Pam Stone

Cat gags, hound yodels and donkey brays

If Paul and I can go a month without a vet bill, it’s cause to clink two beer ...

I'm Just Saying - Pam Stone

Adding another furball to the mix

Yep, I jinxed us, alright.   It was but a couple of weeks after I opined one evening ...

I'm Just Saying - Pam Stone

The clock in my truck is finally right again

I don’t care what the clocks say, I’m still getting up by my usual time: as the sun ...

I'm Just Saying - Pam Stone

The ‘stomach bug’ is vicious this year

Oh, great…so the current Norovirus stomach bug that is going around, according to a medical article I perused ...

I'm Just Saying - Pam Stone

The Widening World of Wills’

Paul calls it, ‘The Widening World of Wills’ as we continue our affectionate journey with the ginger feral ...

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