Latest Conservation Corner - Betsy Burdett

Conservation Corner - Betsy Burdett

Lost history need not be lost forever

There was a stack of CDs in the office that were made 15 years ago to save information ...

Conservation Corner - Betsy Burdett

Seeing the big picture

Today is one of those misty days when light rain is predicted, but so far, only a few ...

Conservation Corner - Betsy Burdett

The history hiding in rock walls

I am hoping to tweak your curiosity with this Corner. It has to do with rock walls and ...

Conservation Corner - Betsy Burdett

‘No!’ is a complete sentence

My guess is that all of us feel pushed pretty much every day. Some people like being so ...

Conservation Corner - Betsy Burdett

‘No!’ is a complete sentence

My guess is that all of us feel pushed pretty much every day. Some people like being so ...

Conservation Corner - Betsy Burdett

Walking on water

Yesterday, I was walking down the hill to a little waterfall below our house with a pair of  ...

Conservation Corner - Betsy Burdett

Who is the smart one in this picture?

Last week, on one of those very cold days, I put on the warmest sweater that I have. ...

Conservation Corner - Betsy Burdett

Imagine what could be

I had a dream of the way Polk County could be in 50 years if we work at ...

Conservation Corner - Betsy Burdett

“Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”

“Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth” is a saying that my mother instilled in me from ...

Conservation Corner - Betsy Burdett

A feeling of home

A couple of weeks ago I was walking to the mailbox on our driveway. It brought back memories ...

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