Concerns, frustration with recent construction, closing of Howard Gap Road

Published 8:00 am Wednesday, August 1, 2018

I have a house in Rixhaven and have driven up and down Howard Gap Road continuously since the storm.

I am amazed that temporary repairs were not made and traffic allowed with reduced speeds. That way, emergency vehicles could have used the road, and residents wouldn’t have to go through Saluda to get to and from their homes.

Also, ask the department of transportation if “closed” means “closed,” since the closed road currently is used by residents. If they want to close the roads, then close them completely.

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I have watched the repair work with interest. Have you noticed how they work only one or two hours a day when they show up? And even then, the new term for work must be “break time,” as five or six workers just stand around in conference while “working.” The equipment never moves.

This past Friday, I noticed that the contractor started work with two front end loaders, but there were no dump trucks or personnel to assist the equipment operators. It’s no wonder the contract was for 90 days.

I find closing Howard Gap to be ridiculous, as interstate highways are rarely ever closed for road repairs. If safety is a concern, why hasn’t a guard rail been installed on Howard Gap at Round Mountain at the 2,500-foot drop? It has zero visibility during fogs and when the mountain is smoking.

The lack of progress on Howard Gap calls for the replacement of public officials who have allowed this condition to exist for this length of time, while not demanding a quicker resolution to the same.

Howard Gap Road needs to be reopened by Labor Day, if not before.

Jeffrey Rosenblum,
