Tryon Parks Committee beautifies Woodland Park 

Published 12:11 pm Wednesday, May 22, 2024

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TRYON—The Tryon Parks Committee has recently been busy beautifying the Woodland Park entrance near Carolina Drive.  

The project was made possible thanks to grants from the Polk County Appearance Commission and the Tryon Garden Club. 

The effort initially began by controlling a modest patch of kudzu that had been established for a decade or more. In addition to planting new native plant species, the Parks Committee volunteers installed large boulders to help protect the plantings from potential vehicle traffic. Bobby Waters, Andrew McCallister, and Public Works Director Greg McCool from the Tryon Maintenance Department aided the group in the boulder placement, helping move the boulders into place.

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Susie Hursey, Jane Herman, Greg Miner, Andrew McCallister (town), Vard Henry, and Amy Arledge each played a key role in finishing the landscaping effort. 

In addition to the grants, volunteers and town staff, special appreciation is given to Willard Teaster of the IGA Supermarket. Teaster supported the project from the very beginning including donations of potting soil and water for irrigation. Another key partner has been John Lane of Lane Outdoors. He has picked up numerous loads of mulch and delivered them to the site at no cost. 

Submitted by John Vining