Joys and sorrows of this past year

Published 12:12 pm Wednesday, January 3, 2024

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First of all, I wish to extend my deepest thanks for your end-of-the-year response to my plea for my kids.  

We’ve had a few minor cases last month but the intake outweighed the output and I am prepared for a few major cases, should they arise. For the animals’ sake, I pray they all remain minor. I do have two pending cases I intend to talk about next week.

Paula, my oldest daughter, loved to visit and see how Papa and all his animals were doing. On November 20, her 57th birthday, she passed on, we believe due to a heart attack.  

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So as I’m sure you’ll understand, it has been a bittersweet Holy Season. I and my family had a beautiful memorial for my sweet girl with the big heart.

I will go on helping my kids as long as I’m able and my generous angels make it possible.

So this week, on behalf of my sweet Paula and Cola my every dog, thanks for listening.

Leonard Rizzo is the founder of Lennie’s Kids, a nonprofit organization that helps sick and injured animals in the foothills, promotes animal welfare and works to find homes for pets.