2024: The Year Of Helping Others

Published 12:27 pm Tuesday, January 2, 2024

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With the changing of the calendar comes resolutions. Lists are compiled of goals to be achieved in the next 12 months and targets are set with the hopes of hitting them in the year ahead. A new year brings new vision for our lives. 

In our reaching to improve and better ourselves, might we also include a resolution to have a positive impact in the lives of others? The world we live in has no shortage of people in need. Some of those needs may be in our wheelhouse to meet. Can we alleviate someone else’s suffering? What might we do to make a difference in another person’s life? How can we touch the lives of others? 

In the Book of Acts, Luke, the physician, says of Jesus, “…He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.” Jesus intentionally carried out deeds that benefited other people. The Lord took time to touch others by feeding them, alleviating their pain, removing obstacles, and improving their situations. 

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Many resolutions are inward-focused: lose weight, get in shape, save money, get out of debt and more. All are worthy goals to have for sure. In addition to these, and other self-focused plans, there should be a line item focused on doing good for others. Part of our resolutions should be to resolve the needs of those around us who are in dire situations. 

We may not be able to open the eyes of the blind or raise the dead like Jesus did but we all can do something! Good comes in all shapes, sizes and forms. We may not be able to take five loaves and two fishes and feed a multitude, but we can volunteer with an organization that feeds the hungry. Our abilities may not include the power to calm a storm as Jesus did for the disciples but we can be present with someone during their storm. We can lend a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on or provide words of comfort and peace. None of us can do everything but all of us can do something! The question is, will we intend in 2024 to do so? 

The benefit of doing good for others far outweighs the effort put into making a difference. Knowing a person’s life has been changed through our personal actions is a satisfying, pleasant thought that money cannot buy. Even if there were no benefits to doing good, touching the lives of others is still the right thing to do. Yet, the blessing of being a blessing IS the greatest blessing. 

If you have your resolutions already prepared or are in the process of developing them perhaps rethink them to add this additional commitment to help others.  If you don’t make resolutions, might you consider being more deliberate in 2024 about making an impactful difference in the lives of others? You could be that answer to prayer for someone or the pathway to the miracle they are seeking. This year can be a great one for someone else because you made a conscious choice to focus on making a difference for others. And that, in itself, will make for a great year for you as well!