Pedal Up Polk donates bicycles to PCMS Kindness Kash winners

Published 12:44 pm Tuesday, November 14, 2023

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In a heartwarming display of generosity and community support, Graham Turner and his nonprofit organization, Pedal Up Polk, have donated bicycles to Polk County Middle School as a reward for the school’s Kindness Kash winners for the second six weeks of the 2023-24 academic year.

This remarkable initiative not only promotes acts of kindness among students but also encourages physical activity and engagement with the community.

At PCMS, students are encouraged to perform acts of kindness within their school and community. These kind acts earn students Kindness Kash, a special currency that can be redeemed for rewards and prizes. The program is designed to foster a culture of compassion and empathy, teaching students the value of giving and caring for others.

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“We’re incredibly fortunate to have the support of Pedal Up Polk and their commitment to promoting kindness and community engagement,” said PCMS Principal Adam Dedmon. “This initiative is a testament to the power of local organizations and individuals coming together for the betterment of our youth and our community.”

Graham Turner, left, with Jett White

PCMS students chosen as winners for the second six weeks are Sparrow Cantrell, Jett White and Dre Thompson. As students ride their new bicycles through the halls of Polk County Middle School and beyond, they carry with them a valuable lesson – kindness, generosity and community engagement are qualities worth celebrating and supporting. The partnership between PCMS and Pedal Up Polk is a shining example of the good that can be achieved when a community comes together to support its youth.

The collaboration between PCMS and Pedal Up Polk highlights the potential for local nonprofits to make a meaningful impact on the lives of young students. It showcases the importance of teaching empathy, kindness, and community involvement, not just in the classroom but through real-life experiences and tangible rewards.

Graham Turner, left, with Sparrow Cantrell