Tryon History Museum presents “Black Lives and Whitened Stories” at next Tales of Tryon

Published 11:59 am Friday, November 3, 2023

The Tryon History Museum is pleased to present a talk by Dr. Anne Whisnant, Professor of History at Duke University, on Tuesday, November 14. Dr. Whisnant will talk about the book, “Black Lives and Whitened Stories: From the Lowcountry to the Mountains.”

Several years ago, Dr. Anne Whisnant and her husband, Dr. David Whisnant, were commissioned by the National Park Service to write a history of the Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site in Flat Rock, N.C. Before the property was purchased in the 1940s by Carl and Lilian Sandburg, it was known as Rock Hill Plantation. On that plantation were many enslaved African-Americans who worked to make the plantation sustainable for its owners. The Whisnants’ extensive research and excellent writing now allow for a complete history of the property, one which had not been previously told.

Dr. Anne Whisnant has written extensively for the National Park Service as well as published many other history books and articles. “Black Lives” was co-authored with her husband, a retired Professor of English at UNC-Chapel Hill who also has published many materials and books.

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This Tales of Tryon presentation will be held at the Holy Cross Episcopal Church on Melrose Ave. in Tryon.

Everyone is invited to hear this very informative lecture. Light refreshments will be served at 4:30. The program begins at 5 p.m.

There is ample parking in the back of the church. Please enter by the red double doors.

This Lecture series is made possible by a generous grant from the Polk County Community Foundation. 


Submitted by Wanda May