Fall evenings and the changing light 

Published 11:34 am Thursday, September 28, 2023

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I want to believe that the imperfections are nothing —

that the light is everything — that it is more than the sum

of each flawed blossom rising and fading. And I do.

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~ Mary Oliver


This time of year, morning light peeks in later, sunset arrives earlier—shadows grow longer and cricket choruses rise on night breezes. 

Lazy crickets decide they’d rather sing inside in comfort, rather than stay out. In those rascals come, hiding and singing where you can’t find them; and you know mice are packing suitcases and all their relatives to move in too! It’s fall indeed. 

I packed up as well and headed for a peaceful lakeside for the week—oh, the joys of working plumbing, no sewage backups, no gutters overflowing or windows dumping rain inside. Ah.  

Silver ripples beneath evening light, thinking not much of anything and just being; what’s better than that? When you quit overthinking and worrying—you breathe in peace in the softness of the air, and listen to frogs and the rustle of nature slowing down. All I yearned for was a lone bugle in the distance playing “Taps” over dozing woods edging the waterline. It just seemed fitting and reverent….day is done, gone the sun…from the hills… 

Mornings bring more leaves pirouetting down, turning colors, glistening summer blossoms holding on to the golden moments, beauty in their fullness, beauty in their fading. 

Saluda Community Land Trust (SCLT) has a “Walk in the Woods” on October 1 to the Saluda Mountain/Palmetto trail. This is a two-hour moderate hike to Heatherly Heights, with some switchbacks and stairs, and back down. Meet at Saluda Library’s parking lot at 2 p.m. 

Did you know Saluda Presbyterian Church is launching SPC Community Corner, upstairs above the fellowship hall/Pop-Up Pantry every third Tuesday of the month, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.? 

Their creed: “A community that ensures people can access timely and high-quality information while changing lives together, with hope and health.” As SPC learns what information/services our community needs, it will expand. Pastor Lin Johnson (a retired banker) will help explain credit reports along with government printouts on how to correct misinformation. A computer and printer are available to get your free annual credit report; all confidential. Also, you can get blood pressure checks, information from the Free Clinics, and a health insurance pro to answer questions about Medicare, Medicaid, and the Affordable Care Act. Material from Safelight Women’s Shelter, Steps to HOPE and Hendersonville Rescue Mission are available. More volunteers are wanted with ideas, time and talents! Contact Pastor Lin Johnson at (937) 380-5600 for information or to volunteer. 

Don’t forget—Saluda Community Table is every two weeks on Tuesday from 5:30-7 p.m. (the next one’s October 10 at Saluda Center, 64 Greenville Street; bring your own tableware if possible to go green. Lively music by Old Time Band; all welcome; donations appreciated. If you can walk there or share rides, that’ll help the parking situation which has become more limited over the past year. Last evening, I walked there, enjoying kids playing outside, musicians hauling instruments in, friendly faces both new and old, hugs, and feeling how much it felt like home and family. 

Afterward, stuffed and happy, I dawdled along Main Street, peeking in shop windows after everybody had closed up, contemplating reflections, flower pots, and sidewalk puzzles in cracks. The sweetest part was watching a flock of bluebirds dancing over green grasses as sunset kissed the sky goodnight. Those little blue fellows had their very own community table evening! A lifted heart finds light in unexpected gifts right there in the evening’s light. 

Feel free to contact me at bbardos@gmail.com, (828) 817-6765, P.O. Box 331, Saluda, NC 28773, Facebook, or visit bonniebardos.com