Is Dad’s fiancé after his money?

Published 11:30 am Monday, August 14, 2023

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Dear Aunty Pam,


I just had a big blow up with my father’s fiancé who is a good 15 years younger than him. She works in a salon as a hairdresser. 

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My dad is 55, owns a string of successful businesses and is really well off. My sister and I think his fiancé is after his money and told him so. He laughed it off and said he’s not stupid and he’s never been as happy as ‘Carrie’ makes him. 

Since he wouldn’t listen to us, my sister and I met Carrie for coffee and told her we would appreciate it if she asked for a prenup to both prove to our dad and us that she wasn’t after his cash. She got so angry that she got up and walked out and said the only thing she was going to promise was that we wouldn’t be invited to the wedding. Of course, she had to tell Dad and now he’s furious at us. He said we owe Carrie an apology and we said only after she proves she’s not after our inheritance.

What do you say?



Two Sisters


Dear Sisters,


Boy, are you two a piece of work! Aunty Pam had to shower after reading your letter to wash off the wave of greed of which it reeked. 

Even realizing that men (and women) fall for dubious partners, the fact remains that despite your father being quite clever and hard working to amass a fortune with a ‘string of successful businesses,’ as well as telling you that he’s ‘never been as happy as Carrie makes him,’ your focus is what it might potentially cost you. 

You show no regard whatsoever that he has found love and happiness. All you seem to be able to think about is getting your paws on the money HE has worked very hard to earn. How breathtakingly mercenary of you both. And you’d better believe he’s thinking the same thing and may very well be wondering if you even deserve an inheritance.

Aunty Pam suggests you give a sincere mea culpa ASAP to them both. You’ve got a lot of bridge-building to do in order to win back either Carrie’s or your dad’s trust. Try thinking about others for a change and how you can add to this joy they’ve found—that won’t cost you a cent.


Cheers, dears!!

Aunty Pam