New decade, new me

Published 9:07 pm Tuesday, December 31, 2019

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365 days. 52 weeks. 8,760 hours lived all coming to an end quite rapidly.


As we step into a new decade, I cannot help but think back on the incredible moments, both good and bad, 2019 has brought me. 

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For some, 2019 was a rough year. These people are more than ready to put this year behind them and move onto 2020. I heard one person comment recently that nothing could be worse than 2019. 


On the contrary, 2019 may hold very valuable memories that some are not ready to let go of just yet. 


Whichever class you fall under, it is important to see the beauty in each story. 


A few weeks ago, I came across one of the sweetest stories I have read in a while. An anonymous donor decided for Christmas she would pay over $10,000 worth of overdue lunch bills at a local elementary school in Spartanburg County. The story was posted on social media and multiple news channels. The benevolent gesture by the unnamed individual was no longer a secret. 


To be honest, I skimmed the story and went on with my day. Later that night, while visiting with my parents, the topic of the incognito good deed came up, which they had heard about as well. After much discussion, we wondered if we could do something that large of scale with no desire to receive any type of recognition for it. 


How many times have we done things for people with the hopes that we will receive the recognition in return? I admit I am as guilty as anyone.


As I learned more about this story, I found out this woman has a grandchild who attends the school. The anonymous donor did speak with the school prior to the donation being made. What prompted her was when the school shared how difficult it is for families that have young children to pay and how the lunch bills increase so quickly. 


While the amount of money spent was large, the root of the donation was very simple. It boils down to being kind.


As we go into 2020, wouldn’t it be great to see more genuine kindness? Remember, for some, 2019 was the hardest year they have faced to date. Kindness travels and will go a long way with some people. Being kind to someone could do immeasurably more than you could ever believe.  


Growing up, I always heard that within the first thirty seconds of meeting someone, they have formed an opinion about you. Wouldn’t it be nice if the next person you meet for the first time would use the word kindness to describe you? If everyone’s New Year’s resolution was to show a little bit more kindness, imagine what this world could turn into. 

By Carson Parnell