Big Brothers Big Sisters strikes it big!

Published 10:21 pm Sunday, November 17, 2019

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Area residents stepped up this Fall for the sixteenth year in a row to support Bowl for Kids’ Sake, the annual fundraiser for Polk County’s Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Many sponsors gave generously to the event. Some formed teams and joined in the fun themselves for a rollicking good time at Autumn Lanes, bowling to celebrate the fundraiser’s success. Others designated their funds to go toward teams of Bigs and Littles, allowing volunteer mentors to join the festivities with their Littles. All team members bowled two free games, received t-shirts and refreshments and were entered in a chance to win great door prizes.

Major donors this year included The Congregational Church of Tryon, Cindy and John Boyle of Wells Fargo Financial Advisors, CooperRiis, Kiwanis Club of Tryon, Lichty Guitars, Kathy and John Toomey of New View Realty and Jennifer and Roger Smith.

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There were also many Team and Lane sponsors, team pledge contributors and door prize donors. In addition to providing support for BBBS programs, the generous contributions from sponsorships cover all costs of the event so that funds raised by team pledges go directly to support Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Many generous donors contributed pledges, and one team in particular has stood out each year for their commitment to the cause and pledge success. Becky Kennedy, captain of the Polk County Democratic Women’s “The Bowled and the Beautiful” team, generated the most pledges by asking dozens of friends to contribute. 

Becky was joined again this year by teammates Frances Parker and Helen Clement, along with Helen’s husband Jim Clement. Helen and Frances rounded out the top three pledge donors with an additional funds raised toward their record team total. They were each rewarded with gift baskets that included gift certificates to area restaurants as well as other prizes donated from local artists and businesses.

Polk County’s Big Brothers Big Sisters organization is challenged with raising funds to meet its annual budget through fundraising efforts, and are grateful to all who contribute and participate in this annual event.

For information on how you can help support BBBS, please call 828-859-9230 or email Children are on the waiting list and volunteers are always needed.

Submitted by Maureen Smith