Landrum approves resolution for U.S. Census

Published 10:10 pm Monday, October 14, 2019

City agrees to ensure every vote is counted in 2020

LANDRUM—The City of Landrum approved a resolution this week for a partnership with the U.S. Census Bureau. 

Landrum City Council met Tuesday and approved the resolution. 

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The U.S. Census will be taken as of April 1, 2020 with workers already beginning to canvass in Polk County. 

Everyone filling out the census is important for state and federal funding as well as for state representation. 

Landrum Mayor Bob Briggs said the census affects so much of what goes on both federally and locally. 

“Census data helps determine how many seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives and is necessary for the accurate and fair redistricting of state legislative seats, county and city councils and voting districts,” states the city’s resolution. 

Polk County is establishing a committee to ensure as many residents as possible fill out the survey, which next year will mostly be done online. 

During the 2010 census, 27 percent of Polk County’s population did not participate, with Polk County being the lowest in our region. During the 2000 census, 32 percent of Polk County residents did not participate. 

Figures for Spartanburg County and Landrum were not available as to how many people did not participate in the last couple of surveys 

The U.S. Census has been conducted every 10 years since 1790 as required by the U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 2. In 1790 there were 3.9 million U.S. residents. In 2010, there were 308 million U.S. residents. 

Data from the census is used in many ways, including forecasting future transportation needs; determining areas eligible for housing assistance and rehabilitation loans; assisting tribal, federal, state and local governments in planning and implementing programs and services in education, healthcare, transportation, social services and emergency response and designing facilities for people with disabilities, the elderly and children. 

Next year’s census will eliminate paper and incorporate the use of handheld data collection devices. 

In mid-March 2020 individual housing units will be invited to respond, with April 1, 2020 being census day. People should respond where they live on April 1, 2020. In May 2020 there will be a non-response follow-up and on Dec. 31, 2020, the counts will be delivered to the U.S. President. 

Anyone who wants to work for the census can visit or call 1-855-JOB-2020. 

Following is the resolution Landrum approved this week: 

WHEREAS the U.S. Census Bureau is required by the U.S. Constitution to conduct a count of the population and provides a historic opportunity to help shape the foundation of our society and play an active role in American democracy; 

WHEREAS the City of Landrum is committed to ensuring every resident is counted;

WHEREAS federal and state funding is allocated to communities, and decisions are made on matters of national and local importance based, in part, on census data and housing;

WHEREAS census data helps determine how many seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives and is necessary for the accurate and fair redistricting of state legislative seats, county and city councils and voting districts; 

WHEREAS information from the 2020 Census and American Community Survey are vital tools for economic development and increased employment;

WHEREAS the information collected by the census is confidential and protected by law; 

WHEREAS a united voice from business, government, community-based and faith-based organizations, educators, media and others will enable the 2020 Census message to reach more of our citizens. 

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Landrum is committed to partnering with the U.S. Census Bureau and will; 

  1. Support the goals and ideals for the 2020 Census and will disseminate 2020 Census information. 
  2. Encourage all City of Landrum residents to participate in events and initiatives that will raise the overall awareness of the 2020 Census and increase participation. 
  3. Provide Census advocates to speak to City of Landrum and community organizations. 
  4. Support census takers as they help our City of Landrum complete an accurate count. 
  5. Strive to achieve a complete and accurate count of all persons within our borders.