Women Together planning for the future

Published 10:36 pm Tuesday, August 13, 2019


Women Together (formerly known as the Lydia Circle) of the Congregational Church of Christ in Tryon is a group of women who wish to get to know one another better, enjoy each other’s company and find joy by giving of themselves and caring for others. 
The group meets the third Monday of each month around lunch. The first official meeting of the Women Together will be September 16 when the group will visit the Western North Carolina Nature Center in Asheville.
The organization and management of Women Together is shared. Each month is hosted by a team comprised of a few ladies who plan and lead that months gathering. The theme for 2019-2020 is “Growing Together”.
All women in the community are invited to attend and participate as able. For more information, email WomenTogether@gmail.com or call the Congregational Church office 828-859-9414.

Submitted by Ellen Harvey Zipf