PCHS athletes must complete 8 to18 registration process for 2019-20
Published 11:45 pm Monday, June 10, 2019
Parents and guardians of student-athletes who will be participating in sports at Polk County High School during the 2019-2020 academic year will need to complete an online registration form before the student-athlete will be allowed to participate in any school-related activities.
Parents and guardians should visit polkcounty.8to18.com to register their student-athlete. North Carolina High School Athletic Association rules require student-athletes to complete new forms each school year.
Once you are on the website, you will click on Create an Account. Choose what sport(s) your student-athlete is interested in and then fill out all the information. Make sure you list all your contact information (cell number and email) as this is how the coaches will relay important information to you and your child.
Please also add your child’s cell phone number and email address (if they have one). All the forms your student-athlete needs, with the exception of the physical, are on this website and you will read and give consent electronically.
There are three separate forms to sign – at the bottom of each form, you will see two boxes that you will need to check and then click Accept.
The Polk County High School Athletic Department will still need a paper copy of the physical, turned into the Athletic Department each year. The physical can be printed out on the website and taken to the doctor to be filled out.
Your child must be registered before they can participate in any practices or training of any kind this summer. If you have any questions, please call the Athletic Department at 828-894-8002