Thompson receives Second Wind Hall of Fame Award 

Published 10:32 pm Sunday, June 2, 2019

Linda Lee Reynolds representing the women of Tryon Presbyterian Church at their annual spring luncheon presented the Second Wind Hall of Fame award to Carolyn Thompson for her outstanding service and dedication to her church and this community. 


Retiring after a successful career of teaching and moving to Tryon, she began years of volunteering and service in this area. A list of her accomplishments include being a member of The Presbyterian Women and Co Team, Christian Education, Fellowship and Mission Committees as well as serving as the representative to Thermal Belt Outreach Mission. 

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Other volunteering include serving on the Landrum Library Board and volunteer, Questers member, Docent at the Tryon History Museum, Tryon Arts and Crafts, Green Blades Garden Club and AAUW Scholarship Tea Committee. 


The Second Wind Hall of Fame is a 501(c)3 organization seeking to identify those outstanding volunteers over the age of 60 who contribute to the quality of life in our community. If you know of someone who needs to be honored in this way, please submit his or her name to Second Wind Hall of Fame at P.O. Box 711, Tryon, N.C. 28782 


Submitted by Dale Drake