Carolina Carriage Club keeping things clean 

Published 12:12 pm Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The Carolina Carriage Club participated in its annual Adopt-A-Highway litter sweep on River Rd this past Saturday. What a glorious day to be out with fellow club members. 


We collected 16 bags of trash, with eight club members doing the pick up. Cookies, water and fellowship were enjoyed by the members after the road was cleaned up. 

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It is such a shame that we live in such a beautiful place, where so many feel it is OK to throw trash out the window. Perhaps “Keep Polk Beautiful”, should be in your thoughts as you toss your trash out. This is your back yard, as it is ours. 


Members pictured Mary with Sprout, Laurel, Missy, Linda, Jackie, Nubby, Walt and Alli the 4 legged friend. Not pictured is the photo guy, Bruce. 


– Submitted by Laurel Pyatt