Professor Whizzpop has the answer at Super Saturday 

Published 11:04 pm Sunday, February 24, 2019

We’ve all wished for it at some time: the magic wand that will solve our peskiest problems. Professor Whizzpop has the answer for his particular set of problems: “A bigger magic wand!” And eternal optimist that he is, he pulls ever-larger wands out of his bag of tricks, trying to find a way to make the disappearing hanky actually disappear. When the Professor takes the stage at Super Saturday on March 16, he will seek help and encouragement from his audience to make his magic work.  


In its 41st year, Super Saturday this year will honor the memory of Joe Wray, one of the founders of Super Saturday. For more information on location and performance time, visit our website,, or follow us on Facebook.  

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– Submitted by Ellen Douglas