Saluda artist to be featured at SLIP open house Monday

Published 8:00 am Friday, October 12, 2018

The public is invited to Saluda Living in Place’s Open House and Annual Meeting on Monday.

The event will take place from 5 to 7 p.m. at SLIP’s office at 1347 Ozone Drive, Suite 3, Saluda. The work of Saluda artist Jim Carson will be featured.

Carson has been painting in both oil and acrylic for over 30 years. He is a member of Plein Air Painters of the South East, a signature member of the American Impressionist Society and an associate member of Oil Painters of America.

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He has won numerous awards in both regional and national shows. Carson gives workshops throughout the U.S., and mentoring classes in his studio.

His work will be for sale, with a percentage of the proceeds being donated to SLIP.

SLIP has had a year of remarkable achievements, representatives said. Volunteers contributed 3,182 hours of services, from sponsoring educational programs and social activities to helping neighbors stay in their homes by offering transportation and home visits.

SLIP’s mission is to help equip older adults in the greater Saluda community to live independent, vibrant, healthy and active lives.

Refreshments will be served during Monday’s event.

Those interested in learning more or who would like to arrange transportation to the event may call SLIP’s office at 828-490-1040.

– Submitted by DiAnne Arbour