Clarifying some misconceptions about Save 108
Published 8:00 am Wednesday, July 11, 2018
I write to correct a suggestion in a recent letter to the editor that the opposition to Hwy 108-Lynn road expansion was a fringe group, representing the interests of only a few, and that the group was opposing bicycle lanes.
Contrary to what Ms. Roshaven’s letter stated, the proposed Highway 108 expansion plan did not include bike lanes. Other letters suggested it was still not clear to some in the cycling community that the “Save 108” campaign was about saving the scenic quality of Country Road Lynn-108 for cyclists, owners and motorists, and for the community as a whole.
This opposition arose because of the proposed taking of property, with some R-5838 Plan lines running through private homes within our community, some lines leaving small businesses destroyed with the loss of property and most lines resulting in the irreversible felling of old growth forests and threatened destruction of endangered species.
The Polk County, Tryon, Columbus leadership all have supported the No Build Alternative. The No Build Alternative still keeps Highway 108 and its bridges safe, but maintains their historic, rural character.
To further clarify lingering misconceptions, almost 2,400 people in this community signed a petition to the Gov. Roy Cooper, requesting that the Highway 108-Lynn expansion be stopped and requesting his help to protect the historic and natural resources of Polk County.
The overwhelming majority of this community has courageously taken a proactive role in opposing unnecessary destruction of this county’s rural and historic community. It is that community leadership and courage that will protect Polk County’s mountain heritage and the unique, scenic corridor adjoining Tryon and Columbus for all to enjoy.
Dorothy Easley,