‘Growing Wild Things in a Polite Neighborhood’ program Feb. 21
Published 5:51 pm Thursday, February 15, 2018
On Feb. 21, the Tryon Garden Club will feature speaker Linda Fraser at their monthly meeting at 2 p.m. at FENCE.
Her program will focus on “Growing Wild Things in a Polite Neighborhood.” The program is free, and the public is welcome to attend.
A noted botanical illustrator, Fraser will share her distinctive illustrations of native plants of the southeastern United States. Fraser’s collection features 85 watercolor and colored pencil illustrations of specific plants showing their unique characteristics, flower, and frequently, insects they attract.
The paintings are hung in chronological order, based on when the plants bloom during the year. Fraser is an active member of the Garden Club of Georgia and the Georgia Native Plant Society.
FENCE is located at 3381 Hunting Country Road in Tryon. For more information, call 828-859-9021 or visit FENCE.org.
– Submitted by Lucy Brannon