Special Cases: My kids are giving back
Published 3:11 pm Thursday, January 25, 2018
- Lulu
This week began with me witnessing a little dog convulsing after getting into something poisonous.
“There isn’t any money, Lennie. Can you help this dog?” I was well aware of where it came from; I had been around this block before.
“If they will give up the dog, I will use my fund to pay for whatever can be done. I will not help an animal and put it back into a bad situation.”
The dog was turned over to me but its internal organs were too far damaged for it to be saved.
I don’t know if any of my readers have seen an animal convulse from poisoning; it tore me apart. The answer to my prayer was simple. The good Lord said, “I’ll take this one Lennie, you save your funds for those you can help.”
I received a call from Parker-Binns Vineyard who told me that Lulu has a check for me. A visit to see one of my special kids was just what I needed at this time. I began to think of all the kids I’ve helped over the years who have given back so I could help some of their brethren.
I could never name them all but here are a few examples before I tell you more of my girl Lulu at Parker-Binns.
Perhaps number one would be my boy Rockii at the Larson’s. Bert and Jeanette constantly give to my kids in Rockii’s name, and in the names of others of my kids that they have.
Pat Vierra, who has four of my girls (Mandy, Lexie, Hannah and Bella), is on call whenever I ask.
The Wallahoras who owned my sweet Gizmo have more than once given in his name, plus any other way they can support my cause.
One year, a whole family who had my dear, dear Ranger were so grateful they decided to forgo giving each other Christmas gifts but instead donated to Lennie’s Kids in Ranger’s name. To this day, I remember holding the check in my hand as I read the letter as the tears flowed from my eyes in torrents.
Bob and Karen Binns came to me years ago wanting a greeting dog for their winery. I introduced them to lovely Coffee, the name I had given her, and it was love at first sight. Coffee’s name was changed to Lulu many years ago and if you’ve ever visited the beautiful Parker-Binns Winery you’ve witnessed Lulu’s special grin and her famous greeting dance. The love my good friends have for Lulu radiates from their eyes whenever they speak of her.
A few years ago they named one of their great wines “Loco Lulu” and it has a sweet picture of our girl on the label. One dollar goes to Uncle Lennie’s fund with each bottle that is sold. The last check I received was for $876 and believe me, there were others before that, along with a jar full of cash for my kids.
So, if you get a chance to visit Parker-Binns, please say hello to Lulu for me and by all means, try their great wine.
Thanks for listening.