BBBS’ Have a HeArt Fundraiser returns to UpstairsArtspace gallery
Published 3:29 pm Tuesday, January 23, 2018
- Carved wood by B J Precourt
The Have a HeArt for Big Brothers Big Sisters opens at the Upstairs Artspace on Saturday, Jan. 27. The HeArts project opening coincides with the first show of the year at the Upstairs, an exhibit of paintings and engravings by Olaf Sorenson and photographs by Brian S. Kelley. A Walk & Talk with Sorenson begins at 5 p.m. and the reception starts at 5:30 p.m.
The Have a HeArt fundraiser was initiated seven years ago to bring area artists, art collectors, and friends of the Big Brothers Big Sisters programs together to support the organization, and continues to be a popular event. Many area artists donate heart-themed pieces in a wide variety of styles and media. They are then displayed at the Upstairs, a fine arts gallery in downtown Tryon, for two weeks for a highly anticipated silent auction.
This unique project offers artists a creative way to support a local charity that serves youth facing adversity. Big Brothers Big Sisters matches children from diverse home environments with mentors to create strong and enduring relationships that transform their lives. With a vision of inspiring children to achieve success in life, they partner with parents, guardians, volunteers, teachers, counselors and others in the community.
The HeArts show provides the public with a special opportunity to support Big Brothers Big Sisters mentoring programs. The community is encouraged to visit the gallery during this event to view these remarkable works of “heArt” and to consider bidding on a favorite treasure.
Beginning Jan. 27, the Upstairs will be open Tuesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. The fundraiser will conclude on Feb. 10, just in time for Valentine’s Day, with a lively closing bids reception at 4:30 p.m.
The event sponsor is New View Realty, with Songhill Reserve as Heart of Gold sponsor, Saluda Outfitters as Silver Heart sponsor for opening night, Digit and Beth Laughridge as Silver Heart sponsors for closing night, Main Street Insurance Group at Bronze level and Tickle Family Health Center as Heart Artist sponsor.
Sponsorships are still available for the Have a HeArt benefit. For more information, contact Big Brothers Big Sisters at 828-859-9230, 899-9699 or email
– submitted by Karen Dacey