Special Cases: Affairs of the heart

Published 4:18 pm Thursday, January 18, 2018

When Dr. Donna Raines informed me of Nina’s problem, I was not only willing but anxious to help. Nina is a 9-year-old black and white Pit-mix and she is the whole world to Rodney, her owner. 

“He’s such a sweet man,” Donna told me, “and Nina is a very good girl. She needs to be hospitalized as we drain her stomach fluids. I’d like to run some other tests and X-rays on her and begin heartworm treatment. Mr. Stover gave $100, it was all he had. Can you cover her Lennie?” 

“Is she viable, doc?” I asked.

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“Very much so,” she answered. 

“Okay then, bill Lennie’s fund and give her whatever she needs. I’ll be in to see her tomorrow.” 

“You’re the best, Lennie.” 

“Coming from you, that means a lot,” I said laughing,

“How are my girls?” I asked, referring to Donna and El’s two daughters.

“They’re just fine, thanks,” she replied and I could sense the smile on her face.

“Then all is right with the world,” I replied.

The next day after dialysis I went directly to Landrum vet to check on my new ward. I ran into Jodie who has been helping me with photos, bills and many other things for years. I call Jodie my Landrum Cutie, sorry Ashley. 

“I just sent the photos I promised,” Jodie said. “Nina is in the bottom cage on the right.” 

Before visiting Nina I asked how she was doing and learned all was going well thus far. I next went over to her cage to talk to her and to let her know everything will be alright. 

As I opened her cage to sit with her, I gazed into two of the most soulful eyes I’d ever seen. 

“You’re going to be just fine,” I said as I gently stroked her cheek. 

“Are you Uncle Lennie?” she asked. 

“Yes, sweetheart,” I answered smiling. 

“They told me you would come,” she said. “How is my daddy? 

“He’s very worried about you, Nina, but I promised him I would take care of everything that you need so you can be back with him soon. He loves you very much.” 

“Thanks, Uncle Lennie, tell him I love him, too.” 

“He knows that, sweetheart,” I answered, as a tear escaped down my face. 

“Are you alright?” Nina asked. 

“I couldn’t be better,” I said as I placed my customary kiss between her eyes.

As you read this, all the signs are good. The fluids have been drained from Nina’s abdomen. All tests and X-rays have been completed and Nina is home with her daddy and doing well. Her heartworm treatments have begun and the prognosis looks very good.

I asked the Lord for a little assistance on this one.

“Dear Lord, if ever there was a heart worth saving, it belongs to this magnificent lady.”

Thanks for listening.