Roseland receives PCCF Cheer Grant

Published 4:03 pm Thursday, December 21, 2017

Members of the Board of Directors of Roseland Community Center are making their own holiday runs this week, thanks to a generous Cheer Grant from the Polk County Community Foundation. According to Roseland President Dr. Warren Carson, Roseland’s “Holiday Cheer for Seniors” program has been supported by grants from PCCF for a number of years.

“We are delighted to receive funds from PCCF to continue our gift giving to seniors of the Eastside at Christmastime,” said Carson. “Anything we can do to lift the spirits of those who are facing their twilight years is a real blessing.”

Many of the seniors served by Roseland are single females who are without family members nearby and who live on fixed incomes, according to Carson.

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“Thanks to PCCF and several other donors, we can add a little something to their Christmas Stockings that will give them encouragement during these uncertain times.”

submitted by Dr. Warren Carson