Special Cases: Hopeless cases
Published 4:01 pm Thursday, December 14, 2017
- Nomad
This week I’m going to once again ask you to bear with my rambling; I simply have too much running through my head at once.
We’ve just paid $1,760 for Dixie, an Australian Cattle dog I promised to help. The Upstate vet specialists in Greenville did give me a discount as promised. Dixie had severe optic problems and is home doing well.
Earlier today I received word that Barry, a Malinois whose story I told earlier this year, passed away at 17 ½ years of age. Barry was a famous police dog who worked the streets with Chris LeRoy for eight years. I had the honor to visit Barry earlier this year and the old boy behaved just like a pup with his special Kong toy. When Melissa, Captain LeRoy’s wife, informed me of Barry’s passing, she wept in my arms. I didn’t make things any easier for her when I tearfully told her, the old Jackson Five song “I’ll be there” reminded me of Barry.
Little Nomad, the Chihuahua, that was found on the side of the road, went home to Forever Dream sanctuary yesterday. Verna brought her for a visit today to thank Uncle Lennie. She is doing fine and tears of joy were shed by all as we took turns holding her.
I visited Cloverfield vet and left $1,000 for Peter Gunn, a Jack Russell mix that belongs to an old soldier on a fixed income. I promised I’d help more if they can’t raise the rest of the money needed. I think at this point they are around $700 short but we’ll get there.
Finally X-rays are being sent to Upstate on an 8-week- old English bulldog who has a narrow trachea and was set to be put down. She was rescued by Amber at Landrum Vet who begged me to help if I could. I told her that I’ve dealt with lost causes before and I haven’t won them all. If the specialists tell us that there’s a possibility of a decent quality of life I’ll help as much as I can. Keep the faith, I went on, it’s Christmas time and the good Lord loves when we help the least of these.
Once again, please don’t forget my kids, we need our angels.
God bless and thanks for listening.