FENCE Fall Hunter Pace and Trail Ride results

Published 3:53 pm Monday, December 4, 2017

Mother Nature once again tried to pull a fast one on the FENCE Fall Hunter Pace and Trail Ride held Nov. 5. With a misty rain coming down early on Pace Day, everyone might have thought that no one would show up. It was quite the opposite. By noon, the exercise rings were filling up with trailers and trucks. The day was quite comfortable for riders with a breeze blowing through.

The FENCE gang were on their A-game for this PACE. Dot Moyer designed the course and took care of the setting. Anne Swift and Carol TenBroeck took care of flagging the course. The trails were well marked and all positive comments were heard throughout camp. The trails were in good condition and riders were able to use the track again. Lou Smith, the official photographer for the Hunter Pace Series, was able to capture riders galloping along the track and later coming in towards the finish line.

Thanks go to Steve Gold, Jim Hanson, and Tyler Hanson for their parking expertise. Ample room was given so horses could be tied out at the trailers without being cramped. Julie Gordon and Tracie Hanson were taking care of the officer business in the Show Office. Riders filled out the forms and signed waivers, showed all Coggins tests, and were given numbers. Jan Smith, the WCHP coordinator, was busy in the office as well working on results as riders came back in from the ride.

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Once again, the Foothills Mountain Bar-B-Q crew outdid themselves. There were many options for finding something good to eat. They offered up pork or chicken plates, burgers, veggie wraps and meat wraps. Sides were baked beans, slaw, and bread. Sweet and unsweet tea, lemonade and soft drinks were offered to quench the thirst.  They try their best to stay so all riders have a chance to eat.  Food is a huge part of a Hunter Pace!

Joey Cabaniss was the timer extraordinaire. He always sends riders out with a joke or two, ensuring riders know which color ribbons to follow. He’ll always leave the light on for you. Ruth Gold was Joey’s assistant for the day. Timing is not as easy as it appears when there are riders starting and finishing at the same time. Riders were greeted at the Check Point by Billy Jean, Marilyn LeFeber, and Carol TenBroeck. During the mandatory three minute wait time, riders were offered liquid refreshments.

Last but definitely not least are the land owners. These are very gracious people who understand the love of riding. Hardy thank-yous go to David and Shelly Contin-Hubbs, Mike Frye, Karen Graham, Larry and Sondra Hodge, Bill and Kathy Jansen, Judith and Bill Kerns, Brian and Kristi Madey, Joe and Kathy Picone, Ron and Deborah Ricci, Gunnard Rubini, Myron and Linda Schatzburg, Barbara Schuvart, Carl Small, Elizabeth Anne Turner, Larry Wassong, Ron and Petesy Wilson, and Jean Wright.

Give up some love for DeAnna Norton, a true Hunter Pace rider. She is recuperating from a broken hip. DeAnna is one of the riders from Tennessee who rarely misses a Pace.

Despite the impending gloomy weather, attendance was high. There were 110 riders in 55 teams!

Now, let’s get to those results!

There was a total of 43 riders in 20 teams in the Field Hunter Division. The Optimum Time was one hour, 50 minutes.

First place honors were awarded to Susannah Cord from Columbus and Dorothea Mercer from Campobello with a time of one hour, 51 minutes, 34 seconds. The second place red ribbon was awarded to Christina Goen from Lyman and Emily Mitchell from Greer with a time of one hour, 52 minutes, 45 seconds. They were a mere nine seconds out of first place. Third place goes to the quartet of Kinsey Jamerson from Wellford, Amanda McDonald from Mill Spring, Erin O’Dwyer from Tryon, and Hyland Sheffron from Columbus with a time of one hour, 46 minutes, 22 seconds.

Lisa Clements from Chesnee and Amelia and Molly Nowicki from Inman nabbed the fourth place ribbon with a time of one hour, 53 minutes, 39 seconds. Fifth place honors go to the duo from Asheville, Jutta Echevarria and Susan Haslam, with a time of one hour, 43 minutes, 43 seconds. Rounding out the placements in the Field Hunter Division, sixth place was awarded to Baiba Bourbeau from Tryon and Beatrice Lamb of Columbus with a time of one hour, 57 minutes 39 seconds.

Other riders out on the trails were Amanda Aiello, Karen Brockway, Amy Christensen, Debbie Croft, Nicola Deines, Barb DiPalma, Stephanie Easler, Tim Giles, Beth Goldizen, Susan Haldeman, Marcia Headrick, Olivia Kuo, Carol Land, Mary Livesay, Elizabeth Love, Sadie Mann, Roy McMillan, Tess McNally, Claire Moore, Rich Neel, Sara Sinno, Brandon Spencer, Janine and Tom Stenson, Jenny Taylor, Rebecca Tolson, and Felecia Wichtman.

In the Trail Rider Division there were 67 riders in 35 teams. The Calculated Optimum Time was two hours, 24 minutes, 44 seconds.

Here are those results:

First place honors are awarded to Kristin Ahlum from Simpsonville and Jerah Sowinski from Greenville with the time of two hours, 24 minutes, 42 seconds. They were just two seconds off the Calculated Optimum Time! Llyn Josef from Columbus and Molly Watson from Landrum were awarded the second place red ribbon with a time of two hours, 23 minutes, 38 seconds. Greenlee and William Taylor from Fletcher earned the third place yellow ribbon with a time of two hours, 26 minutes, 40 seconds.

Fourth place honors were awarded to Jennifer Smith with a time of two hours, 22 minutes, 41 seconds. The duo of Michelle Drum from Campobello and Lori Kunkel from Newberry were awarded the fifth place ribbon with a time of two hours, 21 minutes, 41 seconds. Rounding out the placements for the Trail Rider Division, sixth place was awarded to Kevin Ester from Laurens and Amy Mims from Enoree with the time of two hours, 28 minutes, 31 seconds.

An honorable mention goes to Krhim Shilata from Tryon. Krhim’s time was two hours, 28 minutes, 40 seconds. An honorable mention is when a rider’s time is less than 30 seconds out of sixth place.

Other riders out on the trails were Brittany Anns, Katelyn Bearden, Matt Boles, Cam Brandon, Missy Bright, Marlana Burrell, Shelia Coppersmith, Andrea Davis, Ciara DeNardo, Valaria DeVine, Jennifer Evans, Lynn Fitch, Terra Garrison, Joy Griffin, Jennifer and Kathryn Gruhn, Paula Hammon, Cindy Hansuit, Laura Hendley, Peggy Horton, Ann and Tony Hubbuch, Sandra Hunter, Natalie Hyatt, Susan Justus Hill, Cindy King, Debbie Knebel, Danielle Lamb, Janet Leatherwood, Arlene Lulavage, Ronnie Mann, Reiss McKinney, Reed and Roanne McNutt, Bridget Mercer, Sydney Miles, Constance Moore, Ashley Outlaw, Reuben Parton, Jane Polk, Taylor Reed, Alexander and Janet Stone, Ivey Sumrell, Jessica Thomas, Josie Thompson, Michelle Townsend, Christy Ann Traylor, Jennifer Trili, Bobby Turner, Di Wang, Diane Wilson, Jennifer Wilson, Jillian Woodridge, and Jess Wright.

Check wchpace.org for upcoming events, changes, and to view your photos taken by photographer Lou Smith. With the weather being so unpredictable here of late, rain dates are in place in case of a postponement.

See you on the trails next time! Visit TryonDailyBulletin.com for series standings at Nov. 13.

– submitted by Jan Smith

Western Carolina Hunter Pace & Trail Ride Series

Series Standings at November 13, 2017

Reported by: Jan Smith

After five of the possible 17 scheduled events of the 2017-18 Western Carolina Hunter Pace & Trail Ride Series, there are ties all down the line, leaving the current standings as follows:

Total # Riders: 331
Field Hunters:117

  • Marcia Headrick & Rich Neel are holding their lead with 25 Series points at this time.
  • Amy Christensen is close behind into Second with 21 Series points.
  • Amanda Aiello, Debbie Croft and Nicola Deines have 20 points each for a tie in Third Place.
  • Lisa Clements and Susan Haslam are tied with 18 points each for Fourth.
  • Christina Goen and Emily Mitchell have moved up into Fifth Place with 17 points each.
  • Shannon Jackson and Rebecca Tolson have 15 points to date for a tie in Sixth.
  • Beth Goldizen is in Seventh Place with 13 Series points earned.
  • Anita Crouse, Danielle Lamb, and Linda Plummer are currently tied in Eighth with 12 Series points apiece.
  • Kristen Brown and Jennifer R Smith are in Ninth with 11 points at this time.
  • Diane Hicks and Mary Livesay have earned ten points fittingly putting them in Tenth place.
  • Susannah Cord, Amanda McDonald, Dorothea Mercer, and Erin O’Dwyer have each earned nine Series points to date.
  • Holly Bacola, Karen Brockway, Nancy Mason and J Rutlege have each earned eight points at this writing.
  • Mike Bass, Kinsey Jamerson and Hyland Sheffron have accumulated seven Series points apiece to date.
  • Tim Giles, Amelia & Molly Nowicki have each earned six points at this time.
  • Jutta Echevarria, Pam Hilsman, Janine & Tom Stenson each have five points earned at this writing.
  • Baiba Bourbeau, Candice Carr, Stephanie Easler, Carla Fullam, Beatrice Lamb, Carol Land, Elizabeth Love, Sadie Mann, Stephanie O’Neill, Sara Sinno, Brandon Spencer, T.J. Vore, and Faith & Stephanie Wanicka have a current accumulation of four Series points apiece.
  • Anna Dalton and Ann Fratcher have three points each.
  • Two Completion points earned at this time by: Mike & Roberta Axelrod, Irene Backer, Lisa Baugh, Jared Beasley, Sara Borkosky, Pam Burrows, Samantha Cason, Melissa Champion, Caroline Coates, Julie Cook-Walker, Lydia Cox, Mary Cullens, Leslie Davies, Barb DiPalma, Caprice Fullam, Jennifer Gruhn, Susan Haldeman, Martha Hall, Kelly Hart, Rebecca Hedges, Desiree Hill, Lucy Hooper, Molly Hunt, Donald S Jefferis, Dawn Kennedy, Olivia Kuo, Meghan Linder, Roy D McMillan, Tess McNally, Karen Merrill, Sydney Miles, Catherine Mooneyham, Claire Moore, Connie Moore, Kay Mott, Cheryl & Stagg Newman, Lyn & Ted Owen, Neil Parnes, Harold Pfeiffer, Jane Patten Polk, Richard Putnam, Monique Ravesloot, Sylvia Riaale, Diane Roemer, Elise & Maddie Rogers, Trinity Ross, K.C. Scott, Peter Shanahan, Bailey Sheehan-Watson, Daniel Short, Emma Skelton, Teresa Snyder, Jenny Taylor, Tom Trull, Jari Walther, Felicia Wichtman, and Lisa & Shane Woodson.
  • Catherine Gillet has earned one Series point to date.

Trail Riders: 214

  • Darleen Bullock, Nikki Hynes and DeAnna Norton have retained their lead with 21 Series points at this writing.
  • Jennifer Smith has moved up and into Second Place with 18 Series points.
  • Llyn Josef and Molly Watson have jumped up and into Third with 17 points at this time.
  • Ronnie Mann has dropped to Fourth Place with a current count of 15 points.
  • Kristin Ahlum, Bobby Turner and Diane Wilson are currently tied in Fifth with 13 Series Points each.
  • Lynn Fitch, Debbie Knebel, and Arlene Lulavage are sharing Sixth Place honors at this time with 12 points apiece.
  • Val DeVine has Seventh Place honors all to herself at this writing with an accumulation of 11 Series points.
  • Ciara DeNardo and Connie Moore have earned ten points to date to put them in Eighth Place.
  • Susannah Birch, Michelle Drum, Linda & Wayne Farris, Elizabeth Gregory, Emily Northey, Jerah Sowinski and Lacy Westle have each earned nine points to date for a tie in Ninth Place.
  • Lisa Alford, Chloe Bosshard, Peggy Horton, Kathy Knutson, Mitzi Mayhew, Nicole Mills, Paula Moore, Debora Pearl, Kim Randall, Jenna Stutts and Nancy Wiggins are in Tenth Place with eight Series points apiece.
  • Tara Boyce, Andrea Davis, Suess Fraser, Susie Justus Hill, Lori Kunkel, Lin Martin, Gena Meredith, Cynthia Milligan, Sandy Rhodes, and Greenlee & William Taylor have each earned seven Series points at this time.
  • Missy Bright, Sharon Capps, Kathy Davis, Julie Frederick, Natalie Hyatt, Sandra Hyder, Lisa Trojan, Emily Wampler, Jennifer Wilson, and Sherry Wyatt have six points each at this time.
  • Lisa Kotallik, Kathleen Nebel and Jan Smith have five Series points to date.
  • Brittany Annis, Cam Brandon, Cheyenne Davis, Jill Davis, Kevin Ester, Rita Garrison, Laura Hendley, Skylar Hill, Grace Karegeannes, Nancy Klouda, Reiss McKinney, Reed & Roanne McNutt, Amy Mims, Barb Oklesen, Reuben Parton, Annette Spencer, Josie Thompson, Melissa VanDoren, Stacie Wadsworth, Jillian Wodridge, Glenda Wolf, and Jess Wright have each earned four points apiece at this writing.
  • Gail Bolt, Maddie Brown, Kimberly Hannu, Debra Kennerly, Samantha Seay, and Khrim Shilata each have a current count of three Series points.
  • Two Series points each have been earned by: Jeremy Ahlum, Korie Albright, Jordan Anderson, Zane Annis, Katelyn Bearden, Karen Benson, Matt Boles, Alexis Botchie, Baiba Bourbeau, Marcia Bowen, Tammi Bruning, Jeanie Burrell, Pam Burrows, Elizabeth & Grace Caldwell, Kelly Cannon, Caroline Coates, Sheila Coppersmith, Debbie Craycraft, Natalie Crombie, Benay Daniel, Kat Dooley, Katheryn Eilders, Amanda Fisher, Erin Fletcher, Sherry Garnes, Terra Garrison, Andrea Gentry, Kayla Gonzalez, Joy Griffin, Jennifer & Kathryn Gruhn, Susan Haldeman, Paula Hammond, Cindy Hansult, Lucy Hooper, Ann & Tony Hubbuch, Elaine & Michaela Hughes, Sandra Hunter, Patricia Iacomini, Kinsey Jamerson, Ginny Jennings, Brandy Johnston, Ann Jordan, Jen & Kate Keilman, Cathy Kirkland, Lydia Kolbas, Beatrice Lamb, Danielle Lamb, Yara LaPointe, Janet Leatherwood, Rhonda Lewis, Geraldine u/d Mark, Kristen McAuster, Amanda McDonald, Bridget Mercer, Karen Merrill, Sydney Miles, Marianne Moore, Meaghan Morris, Jessica Nelson, Rachel O’Brien, Erin O’Dwyer, Anna Oglesby, Ashley Outlaw, Beverly Ozmon, Neil Parnes, Nancy Patterson, Elizabeth Peacock, Ditte Phillips, Boots Plyler, Jane Patten Polk, Valerie Quinn, Taylor Reed, Janna Ritacco, Jaime Robertson, Sally Rock, Diane Roemer, Forrest Samuels, Leslie Scott, Johnna Sharp, Hyland Sheffron, Teresa Snyder, Kayla Stacy, Paula Stathakis, Suzanne Stettler, Shelby Stewart, Yasmin Straitiff, Kristi Suber, Ivey Sumrell, Sydney Swenson, David & Donna Taylor, Emily Thomas, Jessica Thomas, Michelle Townsend, Christy Anne Traylor, Jennifer Trilli, Heidi Trull, Joseph Vasquez, Susan Wallahora, Di Wang, Laurie Whitaker, Tracie Williams, Carolina & Robin Wilson, Maxine Winesett, , Kris Wynne, and Mary-Ladd Yatts-Yonkman.
  • One point apiece has been earned to date by Julie Alexander, Janet Cummings, Bob & Terri Davenport, Jennifer Evans, John Hicks, Cindy King, Beth & Craig Looper, C.R. & Carol Stanley, and Janet & Alexander Stone.

Events will pick back up on Jan. 6 with the SC Upstate Equine Council at Clemson, followed by The Foothills Riding Club’s Inaugural Hunter Pace the weekend of Feb. 3-4, and the new Cannon Equine’s Ride for the Rowleys to help fellow equestrians after the devastation in Florida scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 18. The Series will continue straight through May, so be sure to check the schedule and come play with us!

Always remember to check WCHPace.org for all upcoming events, news, articles, photos, placements and contact information.

Thank you to our photographer, Lou Smith, for being at every event to capture the riders and their mounts as they fly over jumps, canter through the fields and enjoy the beautiful area trails.

For information on the Western Carolina Hunter Pace & Trail Ride Series e-mail Series Coordinator Jan Smith at WCHPace@Windstream.net through the website, or call Jan at 828-894-8760.