Polk County Board of Commissioner Oct. 16 agenda

Published 9:48 pm Thursday, October 12, 2017

Editor’s Note: following is the agenda for the Polk County Board of Commissioner meeting on Monday, Oct. 16. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. in the R. Jay Foster Hall of Justice, located on the second floor of the Womack building in Columbus.



Call to Order of the Public Hearing Regarding the Proposed Amendment to the Polk County Zoning Ordinance – Chairman Melton. The purpose of the public hearing is to take public comment on proposed amendments to the Polk County Zoning Ordinance: Legislative updates §153A-354, Session Law 2017-10, Senate Bill 131; inclusion of Residential Vacation Rentals in Neighborhood Commercial zoning districts; and modification of the use of towers to include Conditional Use. Planner Cathy Ruth will be present to answer questions. The public hearing was properly advertised in the Tryon Daily Bulletin. The information is included in the agenda packet under Agenda Item #13.


Citizen Comments


Commissioner Comments


Adjournment – Motion to adjourn.


Call to Order the Public Hearing regarding FY 2019 NCDOT Community Transportation Grants – Chairman Melton. The purpose of the public hearing is to take public comment on three FY 2019 NCDOT Section 5311 Community Transportation Grants: Capital, Administration, and Apprentice Sponsorship. Consolidated Human Services Agency Director Joshua Kennedy and Transportation Manager Dianne Timberlake will be present to answer questions. The public hearing was properly advertised in the Tryon Daily Bulletin. The information is included in the agenda packet under Agenda Item #14.


Citizen Comments


Commissioner Comments


Adjournment – Motion to adjourn.


Call to Order of the Regular Meeting – Chairman Melton


Invocation – Vice-Chairman Johnson


Pledge of Allegiance – Commissioner Bradley


Approval of Agenda – Agenda items may be added and/or deleted at this time. Motion to approve.


Consent Agenda

  1. A) October 2, 2017, regular meeting minutes.

Motion to approve the consent agenda.


Citizen Comments on Agenda Items


Citizen Comments on Non-Agenda Items


Introduction of Business Development Director – County Manager Pittman will

introduce Brian Griffin as the Polk County Business Development Director.



An Amendment to the Polk County Zoning Ordinance – To consider approval of

the amendments to the Zoning Ordinance subsequent to the public hearing. County

Planner Cathy Ruth will


be present for discussion. Motion to approve.


FY 2019 NCDOT Community Transportation Grants – To consider approval of

three Section 5311 grants subsequent to the public hearing. Consolidated

Human Services Agency Director Joshua Kennedy and Transportation Manager

Dianne Timberlake will be present for discussion. Motion to approve.


Conversation about Inman Campobello Water District’s Existing Maintenance

Agreement – Commissioner Gasperson asked for this item to be placed on the



Manager’s Report – (1) Paul Luzier, Moseley Architects, will give the PC Law

Enforcement Facility construction update. (2) Tryon Tornado update.

Volunteer Boards for Vote – Tryon Planning Board, ETJ members – 2 applications, 2


Volunteer Boards for Review – None.


Commissioner Comments


Closed Session – Motion to go into closed session for the purpose of attorney client

privilege, §143-318.11(a)(3).


Return to Open Session- Motion to return to open session.


Way-finding Signs Contract – Melinda Massey, Travel & Tourism Director will

discuss the project and present the contract for approval. Motion to approve.



Adjournment – Motion to adjourn.