On tax reform

Published 10:00 am Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Congressman McHenry,

Let’s get this tax reform done. ACTA NON VERBA.  We need ‘action’ not words. Let’s get Congress back in the business of governing. The People are supposed to have a voice in our three branch federal system of government and that voice is supposed to come from Congress.  Yet it is the executive branch today that is eager to rescue hard working Americans from the abuses of big government and NOT Congress. Why is this? Our current tax code:

• Suppresses American business growth and labor employment.

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• Is far too complex for the average citizen to understand.

• Is full of special interests.

The proposed tax reform package proposed by President Trump and congressional Republicans addresses critical flaws and if passed as proposed, will:

• Simplify tax filing and lower individual and business taxes.

• Stimulate business growth and investment and therefore boost employment opportunities.

• Reduce cronyism. 

If passed, the tax reform proposal would grow the economy which is essential to improving life in America. The goal is to ‘fire up’ the U.S. economy. Does it go far enough? Not by a long shot!   But President Trump and congressional Republicans are at least trying to clean up and improve a horrendous tax system. Let’s get the job done, congressman.

Dick Shaughnessy, Green Creek, N.C.