Constitution Week 2017 featured stories of the Black Robed Regiment

Published 3:28 pm Monday, October 9, 2017

On Sept. 17, 1787, two hundred thirty years ago, the Constitution of the United States was signed into existence. The inspired framework for establishing a government of, by and for The People had never been attempted before in human history. Some would say the U.S. Constitution is the most important document conceived in the modern era. Given its remarkable resiliency to withstand the test of time and turmoil in our great nation, is testament enough to the profound wisdom of our founding fathers. 

To honor the Constitution and the men who inspired it, fought and died for it, a program was presented at the Columbus Baptist Church on Monday, Sept 18. Two performances were held showcasing stories of bravery and courage of a group of preachers in the mid-1700s here in America who became known as the Black Robed Regiment.

Pastor Fisher’s collection of period artifacts includes the personal effects of Samuel Gore, a member of the original Sons of Liberty.

From their pulpits, they preached about liberty. King George III, ruler of Great Britain at the time, had enacted a number of abusive laws, among them the Intolerable Acts that were destroying liberty in the American colonies. Moving from the pulpit to the parade ground, after exhausting all efforts for redress from the King, these patriot preachers often donned the uniform of the local militia and led the men of their congregation into battle against British forces. These patriot preachers became known as the Black Robed Regiment. Feared by the British army because of their impassioned commitment to the cause of liberty, these pastors and their families suffered greatly.

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This amazing story was told in communities across North Carolina by Pastor Dan Fisher whose theatrical performance was spellbinding. He traveled from Yukon, Okla. at the invitation of grassroots groups in North Carolina.

You can find more information about the Black Robed Regiment by visiting

– submitted by Dick Shaughnessy