Special Cases: Still grounded

Published 4:02 pm Thursday, July 13, 2017

Well, as usual, I’ve pushed my recovery too far, too fast, but not to worry, I’m fine.

I came out of dialysis on Monday, had a light lunch and laid down for a nap. Except for short restroom visits, I slept till 6 a.m. Tuesday morning.

Today, after our animals were taken care of, my dear wife took me to breakfast and then to the doctor, who told me I was doing fine and that the alternating feeling good with fatigue is normal. He also told me to expect at least a year before I come back to near normal.

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My dear wife laughed, “You don’t know what normal is for Lennie.”

Anyway we have been doing what we can in the time allotted. We’ve had three or four calls on beautiful Diva, the 1-year-old white Boxer. All seem to be viable possible owners but I’m leaving that choice to Danielle. One thing is for sure, Diva will go from a good home to one just as good or better.

The good folks at Bonnie Brae and I have worked together to help a 14-year-old Schipperke named Boo. She was in decent shape for her age but needed some special care to extend this sweet little girl’s life. Denise, Boo’s owner, has given Boo a perfect life and it was my honor to offer special foods, meds and a complete diagnostic profile for Denise and her little girl.

The Schipperke is a sweet little black dog out of Flanders, Belgium. I haven’t seen one in years and I must admit I was intrigued. I hope to get a photo of Boo soon; if so I will share.

Often we get households that are in terrible shape for both the people and the animals.  One rescue person I’ve worked with for years is Bobbie Shannon. Bobbie has worked with the worst of the worst and sometimes I don’t know how she does it. The photo is of Ginger, a 2-year-old lab that was so malnourished and flea bitten, it was thought she had mange. There is a lot more involved with this family but we will help one at a time to the best of our ability and more if possible.

Ginger is now being cared for at Landrum vet and just looking upon her brings tears to my eyes.

I gave Ginger a promise I’ve made many times before. “As long as I can, I will do whatever I can to make the rest of your life better, you have my word.”

I then went out and prayed as I often do, “Dear Lord, please forgive me for complaining about being grounded for a little while as Your precious creatures suffer through no fault of their own.”

As always dear readers, thanks for listening.