Dallara project poorly planned

Published 3:33 pm Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Dear Town of Tryon and officials of same,

I read the recent article in the Bulletin concerning the “Dallara project” and I am appalled that such a project could be even considered, let alone “approved” with little or no public discourse. Harmon Field is one of Tryon’s most important assets and its beauty, serenity, and overall attractiveness is part of why Tryon is so desirable a place to be. Harmon Field and its beauty and serenity was a big part of why we bought a home here several years ago. Harmon Field is a large part of each day for us and we walk there, meet many of our neighbors there and in general enjoy being there.

I am not a resident of the town limits but it is my understanding that part of my county property taxes are used for Harmon Field and that is a good thing. This project with its proposed “water park,” baseball field and large sign, bleachers etc. would destroy the beauty and serenity and forever change Harmon Field and what it has been over the years.

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In addition, the funds are not available nor does anyone truly know how much is needed to build and then maintain the proposed facility. It is worth note that I have not seen anyone playing baseball at Harmon Field for some time in spite of the fact that there are several very nice and well-kept fields for baseball.

Disc golf was added with little or no input just like this and while it is of lesser impact, I submit that very few if any people use the course and it detracts from the beauty of Harmon Field. I don’t know where this originated but I do know it just showed up one day!

Now the town council wants to railroad another and much more impactful project at Harmon Field without very much, if any, public discourse. It is ill conceived, poorly planned, poorly funded and in general just not a project that I think would enjoy much support if given the light of day. It appears that there is not enough money to get a good start let alone complete the project and/or maintain it once it were built. That reminds me of a certain statue that was ultimately not paid for and like is proposed for this, was completed without the funds to do so.

If this is the way Tryon is going to handle its business, and most important, one of its primary assets, then I submit that Tryon needs to rethink its processes. In short, in reference to the Dallara project, my opinion is it ain’t smart, it ain’t paid for, it won’t be used and it ain’t wanted (except perhaps by those who enjoy spending money before they have it). Please reconsider this ill advised and damaging project and find something else somewhere else to spend all that money you don’t have!

Jim Cole

Tryon, N.C.