Tryon’s Trashing Country

Published 5:25 pm Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Tryon – Trashing Country.

A descriptive slogan both accurate and off-putting.

In a perfect world, trash throwers would clean up their own mess. In this imperfect world, we have met the trash picker-uppers and they are us.

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Picking up roadside trash is not altruistic. The trash picker-upper gets cardio and stretching credit. Plus, it’s possible that a trash thrower tossed a winning lottery ticket along with the beer bottle. It could happen.

Incidentally, trash picker-uppers are saving our planet.

Suggestions for new recruits:

1. Wear gloves.

2. Take two bags – one for recycling and one for true trash.

3. Beware biting ants and speeding vehicles.

By hunting for trash we may turn Trashing Country back into our beloved Hunting Country.

Fran Hawk, Tryon, N.C.