Polk County Board of Commissioner June 19 agenda

Published 4:24 pm Thursday, June 15, 2017

June 19, 2017 – 6:30 P.M.

R. Jay Foster Hall of Justice, Womack Building, Columbus, N.C.

Call to Order of the Public Hearing Regarding an Application for an Industrial Development Fund (IDF) Grant Award from the North Carolina Department of Commerce’s Rural Infrastructure Authority – Chairman Melton.  The purpose of the public hearing is to take public comment on the proposed application for an Industrial Development Fund (IDF) Grant Award from the North Carolina Department of Commerce’s Rural Infrastructure Authority to assist with a waterline extension to serve a dairy and creamery facility located on Highway 9 in Polk County.  The IDF Grant Award requires a 25% local match of the final project cost. The public hearing was properly advertised in the Tryon Daily Bulletin.  The information is included in the agenda packet under Agenda Item #19. 

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Citizen Comments

Commissioner Comments

Adjournment – Motion to adjourn.

Call to Order of the Public Hearing Regarding the Proposed Amendment to the Polk County Zoning Ordinance & Zoning Map, Rezoning & Zoning Certain Areas as the Equestrian Village District – Chairman Melton.  The purpose of the public hearing is to take public comment on the proposed ordinance “An Amendment to the Polk County Zoning Ordinance/Zoning Map to Rezone a Certain Area from the Equestrian District to the Equestrian Village District.” The portion of tract of real property in the Green Creek Township more particularly identified and described by the map and tax identification number is a portion of P105-17 (1.76 acres). The public hearing was properly advertised in the Tryon Daily Bulletin.  The information is included in the agenda packet under Agenda Item #20. 

Citizen Comments

Commissioner Comments

Adjournment – Motion to adjourn.

Call to Order Regular Meeting – Chairman Melton

Invocation – Commissioner Gasperson

Pledge of Allegiance – Commissioner Yoder

Approval of Agenda – Agenda items may be added and/or deleted at this time.  Motion to approve. 

Consent Agenda

A) Approval of the May 15, 2017, regular meeting minutes, and the June 5, 2017, work session, budget public hearing and regular meeting minutes.

B) Approval of Budget Amendment (BA) #77, Sheriff, $32,065 – To transfer funds within the Sheriff Dept. to cover the salary overage due to comp-time payouts over 480 hours or at time of separation.

C) BA #78, Jail, $34,968 – To transfer funds in Jail budget to cover the overage in medical inmate costs from out of county inmate cost.

D) BA #79, EMS, $17,741 – To transfer funds in EMS budget to cover the estimated needs in fuel & maintenance & repair of auto and to purchase another defibrillator/monitor.

E)    BA #81, Revaluation Fund 23, $26,305 – To transfer funds in revaluation budget to cover the interest paid on refunds for Bright’s Creek as directed by the State.

F) BA Contigency #5, Non-Department, $15,000 – To transfer contingency funds to Capital Reserve for an upcoming project for economic development.

G) BA Contigency #6, Jail, $23,553 – To increase salary and benefits for estimated amount to complete the year.

H) BA Fuel Contingency #1, Sheriff/Jail, $11,281 (if approved, balance of fuel contingency will be $18,719)

Motion to approve the consent agenda.

Citizen Comments Agenda Items

Citizen Comments Non-Agenda Items

FY 2017/18 Polk County Annual Budget – Budget work sessions were held on May 15, 2017 and June 5, 2017.  The budget public hearing was held on June 5, 2017.  The Budget Ordinance is in the packet.  Motion to approve. 

American Red Cross Centennial Proclamation- Alli Trask the representative for the American Red Cross serving Polk County will present the proclamation.

Polk County’s YouthVoice Delegate – Anastasia Ballard, Polk County’s NCACC YouthVoice delegate will be present.

Industrial Development Fund (IDF) NC Department of Commerce’s Rural Infrastructure Authority Grant Resolution – Jim Edwards, Interim Economic Development Director will present the grant information and resolution.  Motion to approve.   

An Amendment to the Polk County Zoning Ordinance & Zoning Map, Rezoning a Certain Area as the Equestrian Village District  – To consider approval of the amendment subsequent to the public hearing. Cathy Ruth, Planner will be present.  Motion to approve.

PC Jail Health Services Contract – Captain Jerry Williams will present the contract for on-site inmate medical services for review.

PC Law Enforcement Facility Project Purchase Order – Captain Jerry Williams will present purchase order for kitchen equipment. Motion to approve. 

Kronos Service Contract – County Manager Pittman will present the service contract to retain support for the Kronos time keeping system. 

Polk County Transportation System Safety Plan – Joshua Kennedy, Consolidated Human Services Agency (CHSA) Director and Dianne Timberlake, Transportation Manager will be present. Motion to approve.

Schedule Occupancy Tax & Tourism Development Authority Work Session – Jana Berg, County Attorney and Melinda Massey Travel & Tourism Director will be present to discuss.

Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Schedule July – December – (Note the Labor Day change to Tuesday September 5, 2017.) Motion to approve.

Manager’s Report – NCACC Opiod Leadership Forum.

Volunteer Boards for Vote – Consolidated Human Services Board – 1 application, 3 vacancies; Home Care and Community Block Grant Committee – 3 applications, 3   vacancies; Mental Health Advisory Board – 2 applications, 3 vacancies. Motion to approve. 

Volunteer Boards for Review – Appearance Commission – 1 application, 1 vacancy;  Consolidated Human Services Board – 1 applications, 2 vacancies; Isothermal Community College Board of Trustees – 1 application, 1 vacancy.   

Commissioner Comments

Closed Session – Motion to go into closed session, Attorney Client Privilege,

G.S. 143-318.11(a) (3).

Return to Open Session – Motion to return to open session.

Adjournment – Motion to adjourn.