Utz Memory Garden vision becomes a reality

Published 6:43 pm Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Polk County Middle School’s Student Leadership Council, with the support of Tim Edwards Landscaping, worked June 3 to create the Hank Utz Memory Garden at PCMS. This garden was the vision of Utz, PCMS’ principal, in 2005 in order to memorialize students who had passed away. The Student Leadership Council decided to make this vision come to fruition and reached out to Tim Edwards Landscaping for advice on where to begin. Once they found out the garden would be built by students, the Edwards family funded the project by providing plants, mulch, gravel, tables and decorative items and provided the equipment to prepare the area for students to work. Students who participated included Adair Edwards, Rachael Davis, Ella Waldman, Caroline Emory, Katie Cothran, Kristen Hall and Raegan Jackson. Adults involved included Tim Edwards, Alicia Edwards, Brandy Jackson and Nikki Honeycutt. (Submitted by PolkStudents.com)

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