Special Cases: Sweet stray Katie can’t help her circumstances

Published 7:29 pm Thursday, June 1, 2017

Last week, a few days after my gala, I received a call from my dear friend’s daughter that a stray was found on Rt. 14 with a collar and a leash attached.

Danielle Scruggs and her family and I have worked together in the past, so I knew the call was legitimate. I say this because the area where she (our sweet Katie) was found is known as a dumping ground and I’ve heard every reason in the world why a dog was dumped. I have written so much about strays I grow weary, but sweet Katie inspired me to try once more. 

Just think of all the scenarios for a loose dog. It may get struck by a vehicle, it may get preyed upon, it may contract disease or suffer starvation. It may mate and produce more unwanted puppies and I have witnessed each of these. Truck, car and motorcycle drivers and bicycle riders all have risked their lives swerving to avoid them. Many of these strays are out there because of some nefarious decision by humans. Others are owned and allowed to run loose by their owners, often allowed to breed at random.

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Money is always the bottom line and if we can find a way to fine these people heavily, the practice of unsupervised pets will ease. I don’t know what else to do except what I do and that is to help the animal when I can.

I was to meet Danielle’s daughter the following morning at Landrum Vet and made the stray one of Lennie’s kids. At first the staff at Landrum named her “Baby Girl,” but I later changed her name to Katie, the name of the sweet young lady who found her. Katie is a black Fiest with white on her chest. She’s approximately one year old and has a sweet, loving personality, also cute as a button. 

As I said, she was found with a collar and a leash so I’m hoping an owner will claim her because she seemed healthy and in good shape. She has not been spayed (which I will see to) and she’ll receive a bank of necessary vaccines. If she is not claimed by Monday, she’ll go into the system. I’ve visited her at Landrum and at FHS where she now resides and taken her for walks.

This sweet girl never goes potty in her cage and shows nothing but joy around people and other animals.

“Did I do something wrong, Uncle Lennie?” 

“I doubt that very seriously, sweetheart,” I answered, hugging her closely. “I can’t do anything about why you were loose on the road,” I went on, “but I’ll do all in my power to help you find a safe and happy home.” 

Her response was a quick kiss on the nose.

“Here’s another one for you to help me look after Lord, You’ve done good work, and she’s a beauty.”

Thanks for listening.