It’s time to organize

Published 10:00 pm Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of their county! It is fun and self-satisfying to write letters to the editor about the camel known as TIEC who has taken over our tent. But we all know that too many of TPTB (The Powers That Be) read that letter to the editor and react thusly: “O gee whillikers, Another letter to the editor!  How interesting and quaint!  Miss Smith, make a note for me to attend to this concern!”

No, citizens, it is time to organize. A thoroughly circulated and signed petition would be a good start. A meeting of some of those signing the petition at someone’s house to plan actions would be a good second step. A gathering with a brass band–and especially a big bass drum–to walk along the side of a public highway (hopefully with several hundred other malcontents) could be a good third step. If one can organize several more parades, so much the better!

The time for sitting around contemplating our belly buttons is long past.  We have only our county to regain!

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Bill Holcomb, Tryon, N.C.