In support of Maryneal Jones

Published 4:01 pm Tuesday, May 9, 2017

In a recent letter to the editor, Tryon resident Karl Kachadoorian states that he doesn’t think letters to the editor “should be used to express a diatribe against any person or group of people.”

He then proceeds to single out Maryneal Jones for her letters to the TDB by calling them a “disgrace,” and condescendingly refers to those of us who agree with her opinions – and, believe me, there are many – as “lost souls.”

Finally, he has the audacity to ask, “What ever happened to decency?”

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Anyone who wants to see examples of disgrace and indecency need look no further than to the current occupant of the Oval Office. I’ve read all of Maryneal Jones’ letters and nothing in her thoughtful correspondence compares to the ridiculous insults and provocations authored by our Tweeter-in-Chief. I believe that’s where Mr. Kachadoorian should be addressing his angst and ire.

I fully support Ms. Jones’ right to express her opinions, just as I support those of opposing views to express theirs. And I applaud her for taking a stand for fairness and decency in the face of so much that has been diminished by this administration.

She can, and does, speak for me and many others in Polk County who think exactly like she does.

Tom Madison

Tryon, N.C.