Do we have an exit strategy?

Published 4:00 pm Tuesday, May 9, 2017

It is time our politicians find a better solution to economic stagnation than war. The current situation with North Korea is reminiscent of 2003 when the Neocons persuaded George Bush that Saddam Hussein was a world threat.

Kim Jong-un is intelligent enough to realize that he will suffer the same fate as Hussein if he makes an aggressive move against the United States. The saber rattling by the politicians and media is counterproductive to a solution. President Trump has the right idea. Kim Jong-un is an egotistical maniac. Meet with him and give him a chance to save face and de-escalate the issues.

The question is: do we have an exit strategy if the North Korean economy collapses? I doubt it. We didn’t in Iraq and look at that mess today. When we got kicked out of Vietnam in 1975 the people supported Ho Chi Minh and today it is no longer a world trouble spot.

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The lesson here is to let the indigenous population solve their problems. Many countries are not ready for our form of democracy. We must give them every chance to solve their political problem with minimum interference.

Joe Jackan, Tryon, N.C.