Kudos to Kaye Cannon RE: TIEC

Published 3:54 pm Wednesday, May 3, 2017

As a resident of Green Creek, I applaud Ms. Cannon’s letter to the editor.

The evolution of TIEC has been cunningly staggered until it developed into a tyrannical aristocracy where citizens’ input is brushed aside. I see the rear of a horse defecating on neighbors, planning and zoning and county commissioners who feel a need to keep communication open with TIEC.

Have we fallen to the whims of this entity and must do its bidding? Apparently we have. Apparently this entity has duped us all into believing they are good for us. And they now want us to fund road improvements for their three-week party?

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As it is our environment taking a hit with speculators coming in and raping the land, yet entrepreneurs cry MORE.

Please note, Middleburg, Va. is host to the oldest horse show in the United States. It’s a quaint little town with Route 50 running straight through it. Many a person has tried to widen the road since the early 60s but the town has held fast. The big rigs rumble through the village to Upperville and the residents are fine with that. It’s their town. It does not belong to the show people who visit once a year. They do not compromise their lifestyle for the sake of horse trailers or traffic. Visitors to the area love the quaintness. We have it here and the entity wants to destroy this as well with the widening of Rt. 108 and the destruction of roundabouts.

TIEC asks us to buy drinks for donkeys in Africa yet neighbors in Green Creek will lose their homes because of the new taxes imposed since some are unfortunate enough to be near the entity. But that’s ok since the aristocracy will get our tax money to develop roads to the palace.

Who will stand up and cut this Gordian knot? It will take a concerted effort. Otherwise, the sweet country that once was Polk County will cease under Aristocracy’s regime.

Alex Ward, Tryon, N.C.