Saluda Arts Festival sponsors contest for student art

Published 10:00 pm Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The 14th annual Saluda Arts Festival, May 20, 2017, will feature a Student Art Challenge, sponsored by the Saluda Business Association.

 All Polk County students may submit their creative art projects through their school’s art department. This year’s theme is “Polk County NC, My Home.” Students are encouraged to choose an art project to describe/depict Polk County, N.C. to a first time visitor.

 Student art will compete in one of four categories and be awarded official recognition and a $50 Saluda merchandise gift certificate: Categories are Kindergarten through 2nd grade,  3rd – 5th grade, 6th – 8th grade, and 9th – 12th grade.

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 All art entries to be collected from the Polk County School District art teachers by May 17, 2017. Contact Mary Meyland, art festival co-chair, for more information.

– article submitted by Cathy Jackson