Polk asks for new survey of Polk/Rutherford County line

Published 10:00 pm Monday, January 2, 2017

COLUMBUS – Anyone living on the line of Polk and Rutherford counties could have a change of address once a new survey is complete.

The Polk County Board of Commissioners approved a resolution recently asking the North Carolina Geodetic Survey to resurvey the Polk and Rutherford County line.

There was a case last year where a family thought they lived in Rutherford County and voted in Rutherford County but found out they actually lived in Polk County.

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Polk County Manager Marche Pittman said there was a situation where a taxpayer in Rutherford County was handed over to Polk County.

Pittman said the county needs to determine the correct boundaries of that section of the county.

Commissioners approved the resolution unanimously, which allows the county to reach out to the geodetic survey to resurvey the area.

Pittman said the agency will give the county the boundaries at no cost to the county.

Rutherford County also approved the resolution.

Former commissioner Ted Owens said it will be good to get this resolved.

“This feud has been going on many many years,” Owens said, mentioning that there were issues in the 1980s as well.

It is not known when the survey will be complete.

Following is the resolution the county approved to allow the new survey:

WHEREAS, the North Carolina Geodetic Survey has been designated and funded by the North Carolina General Assembly to assist with the resurvey of ambiguous or uncertain county boundaries; and

WHEREAS, the work can be done at the invitation of the counties involved at no cost to the county government; and

WHEREAS, in order to initiate the process, the county should identify the county’s ambiguous or uncertain boundaries and must appoint a “Special Commissioner of boundaries;” and

WHEREAS, the counties of Polk and Rutherford request the adjoining boundaries between these two counties be resurveyed in order to determine the correct boundary lines.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Polk County Board of Commissioners that:

1. As a result of the age of the current tax maps and the unavailability of reliable survey data, the board of commissioners deems that Polk County’s boundaries adjoining Rutherford County are uncertain.

2. The board of commissioners hereby appoints Ms. Melissa Bowlin, Polk County Tax Administrator, as Polk County’s Special Commissioner of Boundaries.

3. The board of commissioners requests that Polk County’s lines be surveyed by the North Carolina Geodetic Survey

4. This resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its adoption.